Membership Benefits
Upon joining, prospective members of PDMA New Zealand will automatically become members of our parent body, PDMA.
This means that members will not only receive the benefit of the activities of PDMA -NZ, such as participation in networking events, education activities and special initiatives which PDMA NZ may become involved in, but also the benefits of being a member of the parent global organisation.
In particular, as a PDMA member, you will receive:
- Reduced fees for all PDMA International Conferences and meetings
- A free subscription to Visions Magazine, the award winning quarterly magazine that features articles for practitioners with case studies, descriptions of tools and corporate processes, and information for members
- A free subscription to the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), the leading professional journal devoted to new products, published six times a year (on-line access only for student members)
- Free access to the Members Only section of the PDMA website, with an online Membership Directory, full-text articles from JPIM (including complete archives going back to 1984), NPD Abstracts, NewPro Search, and other exclusive features
- Networking opportunities with other NPD professionals through local affiliation
- A discounted fee for the New Product Development Professional (NPDP) Certification application and examination
- Complete access to all levels of the PDMA Body of Knowledge, a disciplined, organised and thorough distillation of new product development concepts, research and best practices
- Information on the latest tools, processes, and best practices of product development
- Admission at concessional rates to local events, workshops and short-courses.
By becoming a member of PDMA, you automatically become a member of PDMA-NZ.
If you would like to become a member of PDMA, click here
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